
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Writer's Update: How's Your NaNo?

It's almost the halfway point in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and I'm well past the 25,000-word midpoint of the standard NaNo target. I'm hoping to have 34,000 or even 35,000 by the time you are reading this, and to hit the actual midpoint of my draft by the end of tomorrow (the middle of the month). Death By Library is growing fast, and I'm having fun tormenting JJ, especially with teen drama.

I think I hit a good balance between planning and letting things develop as they will, and I'm having fun with my characters. I know I'm writing too much daily detail, but I've made my peace with that: I seem to need to write those details to get to what's important. I just have to be ready to deal with the mess of deleting them when the time comes (I think that also means I should probably aim for closer to 90K words than 80K for a full draft, but I'll just see how the story arcs).

November can be a difficult month for the NaNo project (I have wondered if that's why they chose it: if you can write every day through the holiday season, you can do it absolutely any time). But for me this year, it's actually working well. The New England weather is closing in, with more rain and cold weather, curbing our tendency to travel. And we are far from family, so there won't be an extended Thanksgiving gathering to distract me (I'm not totally happy about that, but if we have to be away from the family, I'm willing to find the good in it).

The main thing my writing is missing this month is regular contact with my California writing pals. I keep feeling like I want to bounce ideas off someone, to have them check me if I'm going the wrong way. I'm not sure if anyone can do that, but it's what I want, and Lisa's usually my favorite victim. I'll just have to do it later, when there's time to slow down and take a look at what I've done.

How about you? If you are doing NaNo, are you hanging on? Writing every day, or nearly so? Or are you up to something else this month?

And which do you prefer: Thanksgiving dinner, or the leftovers?

LATE ADDITION: If you are having trouble with comment and use Safari, please read Jemima Pett's post on how to fix your privacy settings! It works for Blogger though I am still having trouble with her blog (which is Word Press based).


  1. You are doing great with NaNo! I'm more behind than usual with my word count, but the story is moving forward so that's a positive. I see some binge-writing in the near future.... :)

    1. I think binge-writing is the best way! I'm probably going to back off some today, to take advantage of decent weather and the chance to do a little combined history sight-seeing and hiking. But I had some slack, though my goal is quite a bit more ambitious than the NaNo standard.

      Any writing beats no writing, right? (Write?)

  2. Hi Rebecca - well done - it does sound like you're well in control ... especially if those pesky characters are challenging you to give them more room.

    Re commenting ... I have a WP account and for some reason have never had a problem commenting on them. But in blogger my 'beautiful' follower picture has gone grey all over - I may be at that age ... but somehow I'd love it to come back! I don't particularly worry about it - cheers Hilary

    1. It appears here - that's the main thing ... couldn't remember so thought I'd better post - and see. H

    2. Yes, your lovely and colorful picture shows up here!

  3. I wish my Nano was more of a WriMo than a NonEdit. As soon as I settle down to do some writing something else rears its ugly head. Like I've just been on the phone for 20 minutes to try and book a week in a holiday cottage - with the guinea pigs.
    Never mind, I've got most of what else need to be done this week done, so I can write this evening... can't I?
    Keep up the good work.

    1. Hope you’ve been getting lots done! The went out to play tourist today... look soon for a report on the American Revolution and Louisa May Alcott :)


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