
Thursday, April 10, 2014

I is for Islands!

In particular, Hawaiian Islands.  And maybe Pismawallops Island, or some approximation thereof :)

It's Photo Thursday, and we're going to the Big Island of Hawaii.  A few of my favorite shots from our 2012 visit:

 We began our trip to the Big Island with Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. The volcano didn't cooperate with flows of hot lava, but it did bubble and steam a bit for us.

 Some beautiful ropy pahoehoe lava (something I learned about at age 3 at Craters of the Moon).
I really liked the contrasts between fresh(ish) lava and the vegetation rapidly taking over. 
When the volcano closes a road, it is CLOSED!

Transitions from lava to rich rainforest were quick.  I couldn't get over the fiddleheads on the tree ferns.

Waipio Valley.

Nothing like pizza made on a one-burner camp stove!  This will have to do instead of ice cream--that all got eaten before any pictures could be taken.
We did spend a little time on beaches (not much--we burn too easily!), but usually without our cameras.  This was a classic Hawaiian morning on the east side of the Island, taken from camp.

And, for a different sort of island. . . I'm pretty sure Pismawallops Island is out there somewhere (photo is of the northern San Juan Islands, taken from Lummi Island, Washington State).


  1. Geology is one of my first loves. When I'm out walking, I tend to run into things since I'm looking down at the rocks for something interesting, LOL.

    1. I hope you get to visit the Southwest regularly, then! Always love the places where the geology isn't all covered with dirt and plants :)

  2. Love your pictures! Glad I found you A to Z'ing this year. Your newest follower, Shawn from Laughing at Life 2

  3. The Big Island is my favorite of the Hawaiian Island chain though it's sad what tourism has done to all of them. The raw beauty is amazing. You captured that so well.
    Happy A to Zing

    1. It's the only one I've visited so far (this was my first visit, though the spouse has been before). We definitely went for the wilderness, not the tourist areas.

  4. I love Hawaii. Your photos prove how nature will always renew herself - if only people left her alone.

    1. And volcanoes are so VERY good at revealing how puny human interference is!

      Come to think of it, my blog background is another illustration, though of how much longer it takes for lava to become rich soil in a dry climate!

  5. I especially liked the lava pictures, especially that ropy pahoehoe lava one.

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption
    Minion, Capt. Alex's Ninja Minion Army
    The 2014 Blogging from A-Z Challenge

    1. When I learned that name as a 3-yaer-old, I loved the way it sounded and felt, and went around repeating it over and over! The other kind of lava (aside from pahoehoe) is of course, that wonderful Scrabble word, aa.

  6. These pictures are just amazing! I would love to go to Hawaii one day and experience it's beauty in person. :)

    1. It's a worthwhile journey! I'd like to go back, or to someplace with even better snorkeling, and do more of that--it was a beautiful world under the ocean!

  7. Hawaii is on my bucket list Gorgeous photos.

  8. Ooh, adventures with lava! I luvva bit of lava :)

    1. I've lived all my life in volcanic areas, so I tend to take it for granted--but this was definitely fresher than I'm used to!

  9. Simply gorgeous photos! Very artistic too. I can tell you though about composition too.
    History Sleuth's Writings - Blogging A-Z

    1. Thank you! My husband is a very good photographer and I have learned a lot from him over the years, though I'm not patient enough to do as well as he does. His brother is even better--see his work at

  10. Absolutely beautiful! Wanderlust rekindling again!

    1. Good! Everyone should enjoy a bit of wanderlust, even if it only leads you to the local park!


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