
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

B: Best kid-lit Blogs

First off, for a ton of great blogs about kids' books,  check out the Kid Lit Blog Hop on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.
 That's where I've found many of the great kid-lit blogs I check into regularly.

Start with the founder: Mother-Daughter Book Reviews
The Geo Librarian is an elementary-school librarian with lots of great books to share.
Julie Grasso writes When I Grow Up I Wanna Write a Kid's Book
Kid Lit Reviews
Jemima Pett, who writes lovely middle grade fiction about a pair of hamsters. . .
Katie at Youth Lit Reviews has a really fun feature called "Friday Five" and is currently taking us on a walk through favorite books from decades past.

Those are the main kid-lit blogs I track.  But every time we do the kid lit hop, I find another blog or two, so do check it out and see what gems you can find.

Finally, if you haven't already, join the discussion at the "Great Middle Grades Reads" group at, and ask a whole lot of parents and writers (most of whom are also parents) what might work to get your kid reading!


  1. It's good to see children blogging, it gives them a step on the writing career.
    Good "B" post.


  2. My kids are past kids' lit, but I certainly saw how important it was for getting kids reading. Here for the A to Z and seeing lots of great ideas in blogging. How many blogs in the kids' lit blog hop?

    1. Hi madhasub! The Kids Lit Blogs are mostly written by adults, though some are partnerships with the parents, which is great! The last couple of hops there have been about 100 participants! Needless to say, I haven't been able to see them all--many are more focused on the picture book stage, which I'm not so into. But plenty are covering middle grade stuff.

  3. It's a wonderful field. I appreciate all of you who are in it but it's definitely not for me. Stay with it as I'm sure you will. My great-grandkids need you!

    1. Hi Mary, I do intend to stay with it--but also to get some adult fiction out, as I'm a big fan of the cosy mystery myself (those come in a few days).

  4. I have a house full of kids that love to read so I will be checking these out! :)

    1. Do, Lexie! And grab the chance now when you can influence what they read. Mine are teens now, and pretty much go their own way in that department. At least they still read, though not as much as I'd like.

  5. I will have to check these out. My son just started reading well and is reading everything in the house! I am also interested in writing kidlit and YA. I mainly write YA but I have been writing kids stories for A to Z and I love it!

  6. Thanks for the mention, Rebecca. The guinea pigs will be delighted ;)
    Jemima at Jemima's blog

  7. Thank you so much for the kind ShoutOut - it is much, much appreciated. I'm glad that so many bloggers and authors and parents are finding value in the Kid Lit Blog Hop - it is certainly heartening. Best, Renee :)

  8. Renee, the Hop is a great resource--you did a grand thing when you started that! Thank you, and long may you write.


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