
Monday, October 29, 2012

Revising until my mind's as numb as my bum

Revisions are proceeding on "The Ninja Librarian Returns," and I'm carving out time blocks to work until my bum goes numb.

That doesn't take as long as you'd think, thanks to a lot of biking and a mild hamstring strain.  But even so, it takes about three minutes longer than it does for my mind to go numb.  How do full-time writers do it?  I can't engage my inner editor for hours on end--my judgement goes out the window.

Haven't written anything new since the writing challenge last week.  I need to have some fun with a new story.  Maybe pop in and see if the Ninja Librarian has anything more to say for himself.  Maybe something completely different, a little bit of nonsense I was messing with a couple of weeks ago.

Watch this space for some kind of story, because it's time!

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